The Victory Lap

That is what I call the walk with the dog around the block.  The last walk I take for the day after doing the more lengthy walks.  Gives me a chance to cool down and gives the dog some time outside.  But there is something new involved in doing the victory lap.

When doing my walks, I often come across people doing the same.  I try to say hello and be friendly to them as we cross paths.  Some of those people I see on a regular basis, despite that nothing more happens than saying hello and walking on.  That is until recently.

I have seen this person a lot in my walks over the years as the start of whatever walk I do takes me by their house.  I usually only saw him if he was outside doing the gardening.  Well earlier this week, he approached me and had an in-depth conversation with me.

Nothing really startling about the conversation.  Just whatever came to mind.  It has been that way all week.  I pass by his house and if he was out, we would talk about whatever.  Even though  the conversations may not be anything exciting, I still enjoy having them with him.  Despite the fact that I want to get home and get out of my sweaty clothes to take a shower.

Why do I look forward to these conversations with a total stranger when I am tired and sweaty.  Well because it is something different from the normal conversations I have with people.  With most people, there is a purpose behind the conversation.  Once the conversation has served its purpose then its done.  So it is nice to have a conversation with someone that doesn’t have a purpose.  That is just whatever comes to mind.

Also the conversations with him, I feel like a person and not an object.  That we are two people enjoying each other thoughts and company.  Those interactions I enjoy the most and I wish I could have more of that in my life.  I know what people would say to that.  Be more social with people.  Yeah if it was that easy.  Try to be more social with people and ended up feeling like an object with them not a person.

Also seeing him as become a bit of inspiration to me to exercise more.  Especially considering his age and fitness level.  He may be in his eighties, but he looks younger and more fit than me.  I just hope I am that way when I reach that age.