Should We Become Friends?

After all of this time, she shows up again.  Wants to be my friend on Facebook.  Like that will happen, but does stir up the pot of emotions.

It is someone that I thought would go and stay away after our last bit of business was concluded.  After all the one thing that tied us together was no longer there.  There was no reason to communicate let alone be friends anymore.  But now thanks to Facebook she is trying to reach out.

What good could come from us hooking up again?  She had her chance at one time when it could have made a difference and did nothing.  I suppose that might be too harsh on my part.  From my perspective she did nothing.  But I suppose to her she did the best she could.

Why on Facebook of all things?  Did she get my profile as a friend suggestion and clicked the Friend request.  if that is the case, there really isn’t any reason to hook up again.  If that is all the thought she put into it then doesn’t bode well for us hooking up again.  I like to think that she did search me out and found me on Facebook, but I know that is more of a dream world than the world we live in now.

I suppose some people would say I should connect again because who she is to me.  There is the fact that they don’t know the past between us like I do.  That all things have their breaking point regardless of what binds them and we reach that breaking point.

Also I decide who I want in my life and for what reasons.  I don’t want her in my life anymore.  So I am just going to ignore the friend request.  Hopefully that will be the end of any idea of us hooking up again.  At least for another five years when Facebook pops up my profile again to her as a friend suggestion.